10 Most Unique Plots In Zombie Movies

1. Cooties

Cooties 2014

Penned by Scream Queens' Ian Brennan and The Invisible Man's Leigh Whannell, 2014's Cooties is a fun horror-comedy zombie picture with one central plot point that makes it stand out from the pack.

Here, the real kicker of Cooties is that it's only kids who are susceptible to the zombie outbreak of the movie.

Conveniently, Cooties takes place in an elementary school, with the protagonists of the film being the teachers and janitor of said school. Once a bunch of rough chicken nuggets containing a virus makes its way to the school canteen, the young 'uns of the movie start to take a savage, flesh-craving turn - with the adults of the film soon finding themselves on the menu.

Directed by Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, this is an offering that's fairly unique in the zombie subgenre, solely for how it largely involves the likes of Elijah Wood, Alison Pill, Rainn Wilson and Whannell himself all trying to 'off' a bunch of school kids in a wide variety of ways - culminating with a group of youngsters being squirted with a water pistol containing gasoline, before then been set ablaze.

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