10 Most Unique Plots In Zombie Movies

3. Colin

Cooties 2014
Marc Price

Famously made for an 'initial' sum of just £45, it's not only amazing that Marc Price's Colin was able to get itself a brief theatrical run, it's even more amazing that the movie is actually good.

That's no knock on Price's talents, of course, but more down to the fact that it's rare to find a film of genuine quality that has been put together for the price of a family takeaway.

With Alastair Kirton in the title role, Colin takes place in the aftermath of a nuclear war in the US. In the fallout of this war, a virus has engulfed the globe, causing the dead to reanimate and go on a quest to spread this infection as far and wide as possible.

For poor Colin, he is one of the unlucky sorts who find themselves on the receiving end of a bite from one of these zombies. And with this 2008 film picking things up shortly after Col's arm has been gnawed, we then see his story play out as his inevitable fate plays out.

A very British film with a very British sense of humour and tone, Colin somehow works despite the clear restrictions at play for Price and his £45 budget. Even better, having the majority of its focus on one person going through his own zombification process brought something fresh to the zombie subgenre when Colin was first released.

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