10 Most Unnecessary Times Star Wars Used CGI

9. Extra Rocks For R2-D2 To Hide Behind - A New Hope (Special Edition)

The Book of Boba Fett Luke

George Lucas has been widely chastised by fans for making innumerable changes to the original Star Wars trilogy from their Special Edition re-releases onward, and while not all the changes were bad, many of them just felt straight-up unneeded.

Case in point, for A New Hope's Special Edition, Lucas decided to add a couple of digital rocks to the left side of the shot where R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) is hiding out on Tatooine, moments before getting captured by the Jawas.

Presumably Lucas felt like Artoo was too exposed in the original shot and it wasn't believable that he could remain hidden, but honestly, has anyone ever complained about this?

It's ultimately an incredibly minor change, minor enough that it won't annoy many fans, yet given that the subsequent shots in the Special Edition don't also feature the new CGI rocks, it introduces an inconsistency which wasn't there originally.

If you're going to make changes like this, at least don't half-ass it, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.