10 Most Unusual Demands By James Bond Actors

4. A Second Audition - Léa Seydoux

Roger Moore James Bond
Columbia Pictures/MGM

Léa Seydoux played Madeline Swann in Spectre and No Time to Die, though she very nearly ended up forfeiting the role after her initial audition didn't go so well.

By her own admission, the actress performed the first audition after drinking a beer to calm her nerves, which resulted in it turning out sloppy and tipsy.

And while having no bargaining power to do so, especially as a relatively unknown actress in Hollywood at the time, Seydoux nevertheless asked if she could audition again and effectively get a do-over.

Yet the producers thankfully complied and Seydoux returned for a far more successful second audition in front of director Sam Mendes, which evidently won her the gig. In her own words:

"The problem is that I had a beer before the audition, which was a very bad idea. So I was a bit tipsy. I did the audition and it was terrible, I was terrible. So I asked if I could do it again and then I met Sam and that's how it happened."

Given the high-pressure, takes-no-prisoner nature of the auditions process for huge movies, this was certainly a bold ask, but thankfully paid off exceptionally well for everyone involved.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.