10 Most Unusual Demands By Star Wars Actors

7. Poe Dameron Is A Native Of Yavin 4 - Oscar Isaac

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Mace Windu Samuel L Jackson

Oscar Isaac is a lifelong Star Wars fan and absolutely jumped at the chance to be part of the franchise, though upon accepting the role of Resistance pilot Poe Dameron did have one surprising request for J.J. Abrams.

Isaac, a naturalised American citizen of Guatemalan descent, was well aware that the rebel base on Yavin 4 featured in A New Hope was actually filmed in Tikal, Guatemala, and so in a tribute to his birth nation asked Abrams and the Star Wars brain trust to make Poe canonically from Yavin 4.

They all-too-happily complied, for while Poe's origins aren't mentioned in any of the films, the comic series released shortly before The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Shattered Empire, made it canon. Isaac said:

"I was born in Guatemala, and one of Guatemala's biggest claims to fame is that Guatemala is featured in the end of A New Hope, at the medal ceremony that was filmed... in Tikal... So I said, 'How cool would it be if that's where Poe was from?!' You know, he's a Rebel fighter, that's where the Rebel base is, why wouldn't he be there? That's an incredible idea."

It's certainly an unexpected request, but one that fits snugly into the existing Star Wars lore and fleshes out Poe's character in an intriguing way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.