10 Most Unusual Demands Made By Quentin Tarantino Actors

9. Eddie Bunker Didn't Agree With Having Breakfast In Public - Reservoir Dogs

Michael Madsen Reservoir Dogs

Living quite a life before finally rocking up in Quentin Tarantino's first-ever professional big screen feature, convicted felon and eventual crime fiction novelist Eddie Bunker knew a thing or two about robbing banks by the time he was cast in Reservoir Dogs.

So, having been at the centre of a number of bank robbery attempts in real life, Bunker was quick to note how he didn't find a number of QT's details in the feature realistic in the slightest. Firstly, as he would later note in an interview with Empire magazine, Bunker would never have been happy to execute a bank robbery with five people he'd never met and therefore likely didn't trust.

On top of this, Eddie also felt that choosing to sit and have breakfast whilst dressed in their distinct suits would've been a foolish move, too, as witnesses nearby would likely remember seeing a bunch of similarly dressed lads chowing down on bacon before the eventual bank blitzing.

But this inside knowledge still couldn't do much to convince Tarantino to steer clear of his chosen, previously unacquainted colours coming together for a quick bite pre-heist.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...