10 Most Uplifting Anime Movies

1. Spirited Away

Spirited Away
Studio Ghibli

Scary, crazy, absurd, but above all an uplifting tale of love. It’s no surprise that Miyazaki’s 2001 masterpiece tops this list. After 10-year-old Chihiro’s parents are turned into pigs, she has to fend for herself in the supernatural world of Shinto folklore. After getting a job at a bath house – of all places – she does everything she can to return to the human world, with her (hopefully human) parents.

With another hair-raising score by Joe Hisaishi, Spirited Away is guaranteed to leave a glow on the soul. Chihiro’s journey is one for the ages, and the characters she meets on her journey will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Which other films belong on this list?


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An all round nerd from North Wales.