10 Most Useless Star Wars Characters

7. Virtually Every Imperial Officer

Star Wars The Force Awakens Finn Captain Phasma

Unfortunately for Vader, basically every one of his underlings are completely useless. The Empire's officers and admirals can't seem to make any decision that will lead to an Imperial victory, going from blunder to blunder.

Peter Cushing played the villainous Grand Moff Tarkin in A New Hope, and although Cushing brought an authoritative intimidation to the role, Tarkin is as short-sighted as he is evil. After the events of Rogue One, the Death Star plans had been stolen by Rebels, with Tarkin assuming the Rebels would analyse the plans to find any weaknesses in the superweapon they could exploit. But, instead of analysing the Death Star for any potential weaknesses, Tarkin instead did nothing to ensure the safety of the battle station, which would eventually be his downfall.

A New Hope also saw the likes of Mulchive Wermis, who oversaw the attack on the Tantive IV at the beginning of the film. For no reason, Wermis chose not to destroy the escape pod that C3PO and R2D2 were hiding in, justifying it that there were no life form readings coming from the pod. It was a strange choice for Wermis to disallow the destruction of the escape pod, since destroying it was an easy task to perform and had no drawbacks in firing on the pod. However, by choosing not to fire, he allowed the Death Star plans to slip through the Empire's fingers, and ultimately was somewhat responsible for the Death Star's destruction.

The Empire Strikes Back also introduced Admiral Ozzel, who ignored Vader's request to bring the Imperial invasion fleet out of hyperspace away from Hoth, and so alerted the Rebels' defence measures, who were then able to active the planetary shield. By coming out of hyperspace too close to Hoth, Ozzel prevented the Imperial Navy from bombarding the planet from the comfort of space, and so lost the Empire the chance of destroying the whole Rebellion with ease.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.