10 Movie Actors Who Can't Escape Their Most Iconic Role

5. Haley Joel Osment - Cole Sears (The Sixth Sense)

In just four little words Osment whispered one of the most chilling lines in cinema history and immortalised himself as one of the most talented child actors of his generation. His role as Cole Sear, a boy with the ability to see and communicate with the dead, in M. Night Shyamalan's 1999 mid-budget horror film The Sixth Sense earned him a Saturn award and an Oscar nomination, becoming the second-youngest actor to receive an Academy nod. However, in the 16 years since the film's release his only prominent credit was David, a childlike android, in A.I. Artificial Intelligence way back in 2001. He received another Saturn Award, but has since struggled to escape from the spotlight cast upon him by his most famous role. That being said, the 26-year-old Osment continued to act after graduating from New York University, albeit in roles that deliberately contrast those of his youth - he's next up as a chubby Nazi in Kevin Smith's forthcoming comedy horror Yoga Hosers.

Content writer, blogger, occasional journalist and lifetime inhabitant of the post-LOST island of grief.