10 Movie Adaptations That Changed The Ending For The Better

3. Kick-Ass

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnsfqzraJ60 The original ending to Kick-Ass works for the go-for-broke medium of graphic novels, but it's unlikely audiences would have bought it. In both versions, Kick-Ass lies to the girl of his dreams, pretending that he's gay to get closer to her; in the comic, however, he eventually confesses, which results in her getting mega-pissed and having a friend of hers kick his ass (before sending Kick-Ass a picture of her going down on him). It gets worse. Hit-Girl then finds out that her mother is not dead, and that her father, Big Daddy, kidnapped her from the family home, angry with the perceived emptiness of his life, funding his current existence by selling his comic books. Basically, Big Daddy is downright insane, and Hit-Girl's entire reason for becoming a superhero is invalidated. After Big Daddy dies, she goes to live with her mother. In the film version, Kick-Ass never explains to his girlfriend his creepy little ruse, and instead simply gets to be with her when the film ends. Meanwhile, Hit-Girl's origin story is all we get; the double-switch never happens because, simply, it would have been too much for the confined space of a film and completely ruined everything that had been built up prior. The comic ending is deathly bleak and a total, unremitting bummer; the movie ending just leaves you exhilarated. Most audiences would not be prepared to handle the former, and fair enough.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.