10 Movie And TV Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (July 28th)

1. The Return Of Sean Bean€™s Ned Stark?

An interview conducted last week has spurred on rumours that we could see a return of Sean Bean€™s Ned Stark in season five of the uber-popular fantasy series Game of Thrones. Of course the fact that we saw the Lord of Winterfell€™s severed head impaled on a spike makes it difficult for him to actually return, but rumours indicate that we could see Ned again through flashbacks. Sean Bean seemed extremely excited by the prospect of returning to the Game of Thrones set:
"I could be wrong, but I think they might show flashbacks via Bran's connection to the heart trees." "Oh, yeah, yeah! And I'm his father, so that would be great fun! Just to go back to that for a while, it would be such fun to do. It would be great! It would be bizarre, but it would be great! So I guess if they're going to do flashbacks, then yeah!" "Well, it's just my theory..." "But it's a good theory! And that should happen, shouldn't it? I've definitely got some unfinished business that needs to be resolved there. I'm obviously not Jon Snow's dad. And you need that to be revealed at some point, don't you? So Bran would kind of be the one having the flashback, and he would see Ned praying, right? And revealing those things? You never know what those guys are going to do with that. It's got to be something special. But I'm into that. I certainly would be into that. Print that! Give them a nudge. Hopefully I'll get a call soon."
Ideally many fans would love to see the leader of the Stark family somehow miraculously return to life but they€™ll certainly settle for a flashback appearance.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.