10 Movie And TV Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (July 28th)

9. A Change Of Pace For Guillermo Del Toro

After having directed big-budget robot-slamming films Pacific Rim and Pacific Rim 2 (not scheduled for release until 2017) it seems that Guillermo del Toro desires a change of pace. In a recent interview the director stated that €œin February/March I should another very small movie, black and white, really, really bizarre before starting €” we start pre-production on Pacific Rim 2 in August, and then I interrupt it briefly to go into the first of next year to do this strange little movie.€ This vague, strange, black and white movie sounds like it couldn€™t be more different to the high-octane action and infinite marketability of the Pacific Rim films. It could well be an indication that the director has tired of the action genre and wants to return to his weirder roots when he was making films like 2006€™s Pan€™s Labyrinth. The director also discussed what his ideal cast for this new film would be, preferably utilising a small group of actors led by John Hurt.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.