10 Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

6. What Colour Is Drax? - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Ant-Man Falcon

The Question:

This might sound ridiculous and self-evident, but seriously, ever since the release of the original Guardians of the Galaxy back in 2014, fans have wondered what Drax the Destroyer's (Dave Bautista) skin colour actually is.

Some think he's green as in the comics, others grey, some blue, and there's never really been an actual, legit consensus on the fact. That is, at least, until James Gunn himself chimed in.

The Answer:

Last year, a despairing fan tweeted at Gunn that he and his girlfriend were locked in an unending dispute about Drax's skin colour, to which Gunn mercifully offered the final word:

"He is gray, but, like most gray things, he can take on a blue or green tint under some lights. But he is definitely gray."

Gunn elaborated that he decided against giving Drax comic-accurate green skin because Gamora (Zoe Saldana) was already green, and green makeup is also the hardest to make resemble real skin.

So, there it is. Though Drax has basically looked like five different colours amid the MCU's various elaborate lighting setups, his skin is absolutely, positively grey.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.