10 Movie Auditions You Would Not Believe

6. January Jones' Pole-less Pole Dance

Peter Jackson Jake Gyllenhaal
20th Century Fox

It's hard enough to perform something off-the-cuff, in an audition, without being asked to demonstrate the action without a pivotal piece of equipment there to assist you. You wouldn't ask a chef to show you how to cook a steak without the meat, would you?

This is the situation that January Jones found herself in, early in her career. She had been brought into the room for the now cherished romantic comedy, Coyote Ugly. Large portions of the film see the cast of exotic ladies dancing and teasing their male punters, suspended high above on the bar and tables in the club. Jones, with this in mind, was asked to display what talent she had for performing to a crowd in the form of a Pole Dance... without a pole. You see the issue.

Jones recounted the situation as 'awful' and was criticized for having "no rhythm" by the producer. She considered packing it in there and then but showed resilience and belief in herself by sticking at it and now holding credits in the X-Men franchise and the TV series, Mad Men.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...