10 Movie Best Friends Who Would Be Awful In Real Life

8. Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction)


Don't get me wrong: Pulp Fiction is an incredible movie and Samuel L. Jackson's character is probably one of the coolest and most hilarious personalities brought to film, but you just would not want to split a beer with this guy. I mean picture yourself at the local IHOP - you two are enjoying pancakes and the waiter spills some coffee... suddenly he's spouting bible verses and popping people in the face in the middle of breakfast. Nothing is more unsettling during an IHOP run than watching your best friend murder fellow breakfast patrons. The only reason his friendship with Vince works because they're both deranged, argumentative, borderline sociopaths. Unless you frequently executed people for a deranged mob boss or were some sort of foot massage connoisseur, the relationship would just never work.
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Adam Singer is a samurai sent forward in time to take vengeance on the relatives of those who murdered his fellow villagers in 815. Between brutal slayings via sword he writes articles for Whatculture. If you like his stuff you should read more and tell your friends to read more. If you do that maybe you can melt his frozen samurai heart. Follow him on twitter at @AdamSinger6.