10 Movie Character Designs Changed In Subtle Ways

3. Tony Rydinger Had A "Handsome" Facelift - Incredibles 2

Thor The Dark World

You probably remember that Violet Parr's (Sarah Vowell) love interest in the first Incredibles is Tony Rydinger (Michael Bird) - a pretty typical-looking teenage boy whose physical features couldn't be more resoundingly average.

But in Incredibles 2, Tony gets an unexpected makeover that transcends the mere awkward physical changes encountered by any teenager.

Tony's sunken-in eyes are now wide and peppy, his mouth has less of a gaping quality to it, his eyebrows are longer, and his hair looks more appealingly swept to the side.

There's blossoming as you go through puberty, and then there's basically looking like a completely different person. If you saw Incredibles 2 without rewatching the original, you likely didn't ever think about this, but side-by-side, the changes are pretty wild.

Fans who did notice were wildly divided on the redesign, some feeling it strayed too far from the physical essence of the original Tony, while others praised it for making him look more, well, cute.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.