10 Movie Characters Destroyed By The Fourth Wall

4. The Vivaldi Gunman - Last Action Hero

Last Action Hero
Columbia Pictures

Last Action Hero is probably the most under-appreciated film in Arnold Schwarzenegger's entire filmography, and honestly one of the greatest unsung action-comedies films of all time.

Arnie plays Jack Slater, the protagonist of an action movie franchise who eventually comes to learn that he's a fictional character after one of his biggest fans, Danny (Austin O'Brien), is transported into his movie world thanks to a magical cinema ticket.

At this point, we get to see a dumbfounded Danny hanging out in the back of Slater's car while he tackles his latest fleet of goons.

This leads to the gloriously over-the-top sequence where Slater, while driving a car with no hands, shoots a pursuing gunman, sending him implausibly flying into a conveniently placed ice cream truck, which then explodes.

The exploding ice cream truck than catapults a freaking ice cream, cone and all, into the head of another rent-a-thug (played by 90s action mainstay Al Leong), killing him instantly. And the best part? Arnie then quips, "Iced that guy, cone a phrase."

In the service of lampooning OTT 90s action flicks, we got one of the greatest - and absolutely the most ridiculous - kills in Arnie's entire filmography.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.