10 Movie Characters Who Died Happy

9. Nina - Black Swan (2010)

Natalie Portman is absolutely stunning in the central role of Darren Aronofsky's Oscar-winning psychological thriller Black Swan. She is able to perfectly portray the psyche of ballet dancer Nina as she attempts to access her inner darkness to portray the multi-faceted lead role of the iconic Swan Lake show. At the films climax, Nina kills her manipulative doppelganger with a shard of glass and delivers a thunderous performance as the lead. During the interval, she discovers that it was herself she had stabbed. She returns to the stage for the final act, which culminates in a leap off a cliff onto a hidden mat. The crowd applauds, but her fellow performers see that she is bleeding. As Nina fades into unconsciousness, she whispers that "it was perfect". It's the perfect end for a character who has spent the entire film trying to reconcile with her inner problems. For her, Swan Lake was the only thing she needed to achieve. Even in death, all she needed to know was that she could be perfect.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.