10 Movie Characters Everyone Thought Were Secret Villains

9. Detective Mark Kincaid - Scream 3

Meredith Vickers Prometheus
Dimension Films

It admittedly wouldn't be a Scream movie without a red herring or two, but in the case of Scream 3, the filmmakers basically hung a neon signpost around the neck of Detective Mark Kincaid (Patrick Dempsey).

Pretty much everything about this guy just felt a little off. For starters he's a cop, and cops are certainly perennial suspects in this franchise given the privileged access they have to resources that the average person simply doesn't.

Beyond that, his interactions with Sidney are slyly unnerving - the way he looks and interacts with her is relatively flirtatious - and he seems to conveniently show up at just the right time on numerous occasions.

As uneven as Ehren Kruger's script is, Kincaid is certainly an effective false suspect, aided by Dempsey leaning into the uneasiness just enough, yet crucially not overdoing it.

Kincaid was not only innocent - the real killer being Sid's half-brother Roman (Scott Foley) - but survived the movie and was later implied to have married and had kids with Sidney, even though he hasn't physically appeared in any of the subsequent sequels (yet).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.