10 Movie Characters Saved By Stupidly Impossible Luck

1. Bilbo And The Dwarves - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The final film on this list of characters saved by stupidly impossible luck brings us full circle and takes us back to the fantasy realms of Middle Earth, although this time the luck comes near the beginning of the epic saga with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Having been pursued by a load of very angry orcs, Bilbo Baggins and his dwarf companions find themselves backed into a corner on the edge of a large precipice, perched precariously in tree branches as their foes close in. And who comes along to save them in the nick of time? It's those eagles again, of course! Naturally they arrive with no real explanation, but as we've already seen they have a knack for turning up and rescuing our heroes at the most convenient of moments. Anyone willing to put money on them doing it again in The Battle Of The Five Armies? Which other characters can you think of who were saved by stupidly impossible luck? Why not let us know in the comments below?
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The Hobbit
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