10 Movie Characters Who Stood Up To Their Bullies

6. Daniel - The Karate Kid (1984)

The Karate Kid is a quintessential example of the very established "underdog sports movie" formula. Daniel LaRusso is converted from a weedy kid who is unable to defend himself at all to being a highly skilled practitioner of a very difficult martial art. Under the coaching of the enigmatic Mr Miyagi, Daniel is able to use his newly found skills and attitude to do battle with the boy who had been his tormentor. Early in the film, Daniel forms a friendship with attractive cheerleader Ali. This draws the attention and the ire of her ex-boyfriend, Johnny, who just happens to be a karate ace as well as a bit of a tool-bag. He viciously beats Daniel until Mr Miyagi intervenes and destroys Johnny and his goons with what can only be described as some mad skills. Daniel decides to enter a karate competition to try and get back at Johnny, but the odds are stacked against him when he is seriously injured by another competitor. This sets up a dramatic final clash between Daniel and Johnny. Underdog story convention kicks in and Daniel wins the fight with a kick to Johnny's face. Not only does he get one over on his nemesis, but Daniel also wins Johnny's respect, as the former bully presents his competitor with the tournament trophy.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.