10 Movie Characters That Suffered Unnecessarily Cruel Fates

7. Ana, Nicole, Kenneth & Terry - Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

Less a full part of the story, more a reward for those of us who sit in the cinema til the house lights come up, the fate of the four survivors and their dog Chips is shown in a found-footage package spliced between the end credits of Zack Snyder’s really quite good remake of George A. Romero’s zombie classic.

Until that point we’d seen these characters shoot, blast and chainsaw their way through hell just to survive, and seeing them sail off on a yacht into the distance after a climatic and, in human life terms, expensive final battle was a relief. Much like the original, in which the surviving characters escaped in a helicopter at the end, we were rooting for these guys and hoping a better future lay ahead.

But Ol’ Zacky Boy had different ideas. Instead of hope, we were left with despair as a sudden shift in tone hurled us aboard that boat. Maggot-infested food, snarling severed zombie heads, and an angry Ving Rhames were the least of their trouble as they landed on a jetty only to be attacked by a horde of hungry undead. Though no deaths were shown on screen, it’s pretty clear that no one was making it out of that one intact. And after all they’d been through…


Mancunian man in London. Film statto. Music geek. Football lover. Quiz maker. Liam Gallagher once told me to fuck off.