10 Movie Characters They Couldn't Stop Recasting

6. Mike & Sean Brody - Jaws

terminator cast four times

The Jaws franchise admittedly entered an irreversible death spiral almost immediately following Steven Spielberg's beloved original, enough that the regular recasting of Martin Brody's (Roy Scheider) two sons, Mike and Sean, in the sequels was really the least of the series' problems.

It's odd, though, that Mike and Sean are the only characters to appear in all four movies and yet they're also the only ones who were recast in every single sequel.

Now to be completely fair to the franchise, the constantly recasting had a rhyme and reason to it: it was due to the series' ever-advancing timeline and the inevitable necessity to cast older actors in these roles to reflect that. So again, it's more a curiosity than a glaring creative flaw.

Across the franchise, Mike Brody was played by Chris Rebello, Mark Gruner, Dennis Quaid, and then Lance Guest, while Sean was portrayed by Jay Mello, Marc Gilpin, John Putch, and finally Mitchell Anderson.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.