10 Movie Characters They Couldn't Stop Recasting

4. The ENTIRE Main Cast - Atlas Shrugged

terminator cast four times
Fox & Atlas Distribution Company

Franchise recastings don't get much more deranged or bizarre than that of Atlas Shrugged - the 2010s movie trilogy adapted from Ayn Rand's iconic-if-controversial novel of the same name.

For the second and third film, the entire ensemble cast was replaced, due to the production lacking the budget to pay the first film's cast members more money for each successive sequel, as is effectively expected in Hollywood.

For example, though Taylor Schilling played protagonist Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged Part I, because of Schilling's success working on Orange Is the New Black thereafter, the producers couldn't afford her for Part II.

As a result, she was replaced with Samantha Mathis, and for Part III, Dagny was then played by Laura Regan. The same is true of seven other characters who appear in all three films in the trilogy - every single one of them was recast twice by series' end.

On one hand, replacing the entire cast each time at least gives each movie a blank slate of its own, but it's still extremely bizarre to have no consistent faces across the franchise at all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.