10 Movie Characters They Wanted You To Forget

9. Alec Trevelyan - GoldenEye

The Departed Mark Wahlberg

Now to be fair, the trailers for GoldenEye ruined what would've been a freakin' awesome twist, but if you didn't pay much attention to the movie's marketing, you were in for quite a surprise when the film's primary villain finally showed up.

GoldenEye's pre-titles sequence involves a botched mission in which James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) and 006, Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean), assault Russian Colonel Ourumov's (Gottfried John) compound.

Trevelyan appears to be killed during the sortie when Ourumov shoots him in the head, and for a whole hour that indeed seems to be the case.

The movie spends most of its first half establishing several villains - Ourumov, Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen), and Boris Grishenko (Alan Cumming) - before circling back to reveal that Trevelyan faked his own death and is in fact the movie's Big Bad, as leader of the crime syndicate Janus.

It's a great rug-pull if you don't know it's coming, and the film gamely tries to put Trevelyan to the back of your mind by focusing your attention elsewhere, even if the marketing unfortunately worked actively against that.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.