10 Movie Characters They Wanted You To Forget

4. Mustafa - Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

The Departed Mark Wahlberg
New Line Cinema

Dr. Evil's (Mike Myers) fez-wearing henchman Mustafa (Will Ferrell) played a small but hilariously memorable role in the first Austin Powers.

He was horribly burned for failing to un-thaw Dr. Evil's cat Mr. Bigglesworth correctly, and because that doesn't kill him, a guard enters the room and shoots him dead off-screen.

But Mustafa returns in the sequel, when Austin (Myers) and Felicity Shagwell (Heather Graham) travel back to 1967, where Mustafa would of course still be alive.

When Austin and Felicity are interrogating him, Mustafa is shot with a dart by Mini-Me (Vernon Troyer) which causes him to fall off a cliff to his apparent demise.

Yet of course, Mustafa survived, and cries out in pain off-screen as he attempts to get back to his feet and summon medical help.

That's the last we see or hear of him in the film proper, but an hour later, the post-credits scene returns us to Mustafa, who asks if the movie is over, and if anyone in the audience can summon help, before he again tries to stand to his feet in vain.

The gag wouldn't work nearly as well if we hadn't totally forgotten about Mustafa during that interceding hour, ensuring his inexplicable return sends audiences home on a riotous final gut-laugh.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.