10 Movie Characters Who Debuted Much Earlier Than You Think

2. Peter Parker (Captain America: Civil War) - Iron Man 2

Spider-Man Captain America Civil War Iron Man 2.jpg
Marvel Studios

The Character

Peter Parker aka Spider-Man is no stranger to the movies, though it's fair to say that most fans will agree that Tom Holland's portrayal of the web-slinger within the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the most authentic and well-acted iteration to date.

Holland's Spidey debuted in Captain America: Civil War just three years ago, and has since become one of the franchise's most beloved superheroes...until recent events sadly put the kibosh on his involvement (for now, at least).

Their REAL Debut

But in 2017, a fan theory started doing the rounds that Peter Parker was in fact the young masked boy briefly seen in Iron Man 2 way back in 2010, standing up to Justin Hammer's (Sam Rockwell) drones before Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) himself intervenes.

The logic tracks given Peter's age and his love of science, and it was a theory quickly supported by not only Holland but also Spider-Man: Homecoming director Jon Watts, who claimed to have suggested the theory to Kevin Feige himself.

Feige apparently indicated to Watts that the theory could very well be the case, which in conjunction with Holland's "confirmation" is about as close to a nod from the Word of God as fans are ever going to get.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.