10 Movie Characters Who Debuted Much Earlier Than You Think

8. Dr. Hank McCoy (X-Men: The Last Stand) - X2: X-Men United

X-Men Beast

The Character

Dr. Hank McCoy aka Beast (Kelsey Grammer) is one of the most beloved of all the X-Men, as was finally introduced into Fox's X-Men movies in X-Men: The Last Stand, played quite brilliantly by Kelsey Grammer.

The part was then handed off to Nicholas Hoult for the more recent prequels, who delivered a younger, nerdier and sexier twist on the comic book icon.

Their REAL Debut

But Beast actually made an incredibly sneaky Easter egg appearance earlier than The Last Stand, seen on a TV in a bar three years prior in X2: X-Men United, as played by TV actor Steve Bacic.

Franchise director Bryan Singer originally intended to include Beast in the first X-Men film, but he ended up cut due to budgetary constraints.

But when the time was finally right for Beast to get his proper cinematic coming-out party, Singer was off shooting Superman Returns so The Last Stand was saddled with Brett Ratner instead. Oof.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.