10 Movie Characters Who Died Breaking Their Own Rules

6. Tom Davis - Triple Frontier

Triple Frontier Ben Affleck

The Rule: Don't get greedy.

Netflix's crime thriller Triple Frontier follows a team of former Delta Force soldiers who reunite to assassinate a South American crime lord and steal his money.

By far the most reluctant and cautious member of the team is Tom "Redfly" Davis (Ben Affleck), yet due to his own money woes and how desperately he misses the action of his former life, he's ultimately convinced to come along.

He has a few conditions, though, namely that they stick to a strict schedule and exit the crime lord's compound at a set time no matter how much money they have.

Except, when they discover far more money hidden within the walls of the compound than they expected, Tom is blinded by greed and insists that the team are OK to exceed their schedule in order to load more money into their van.

This has the knock-on effect of causing their escape helicopter to struggle with the weight of the extra cash, eventually resulting in it crashing into nearby farm land, where Tom is "forced" to shoot an angry villager in the head.

This comes back to be his undoing later in the movie, then, when one of the locals gets the drop on him and shoots him in the head.

Had they left with the money within the original timeframe, the chopper wouldn't have been over-loaded, they wouldn't have crashed, Tom wouldn't have killed the farmer, and in turn not been shot in revenge.

Despite its issues, the film does a solid job conveying Tom's utter desperation to escape his humdrum life as a real estate agent, so his "turn" certainly feels believable character-wise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.