10 Movie Characters Who Died In The Final Shot

8. Numerous Characters - The Final Destination Franchise

Filth James McAvoy
New Line Cinema

The Final Destination franchise is of course all about death, and how its heroes are typically unable to permanently escape Death's clutches.

All five movies in the series have concluded with the remaining characters realising that Death has returned for them, and three of the movies have literally killed characters off in the very final shot.

For starters there's the first film, where poor Carter (Kerr Smith) saves protagonist Alex (Devon Sawa) from a giant falling sign, causing Death to skip Alex and come for Carter next. In the final shot, as Carter asks, "Who's next?," the sign swings back down to hit him as the movie cuts to black.

The fourth film, The Final Destination, ends with the three remaining survivors - Nick (Bobby Campo), Lori (Shantel VanSanten), and Janet (Haley Webb) - getting hit by a runaway truck, before the film abruptly cuts to credits.

And finally there's Final Destination 5, where poor Nathan (Arlen Escarpeta) learns that his number is up the hard way, when the doomed plane from the original movie crashes through the bar where he's having a drink, crushing him to death and catapulting his severed arm towards the screen.

As much as it should feel like a tired trope at this point in the series, fans would miss it if the upcoming sixth Final Destination didn't off somebody in the final scene.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.