10 Movie Characters Who Got Undeservedly Brutal Deaths

8. Lorna Weisenfreund - Hostel: Part II

Hostel Part II Lorna

Method Of Death

Throat slit while hanging upside down.

Why It Was Undeserved

The Hostel movies are all about people, both innocent and not, being brutally killed in creatively gnarly ways, but even with that in mind, the death of Lorna (Heather Matarazzo) in the second film leaves an especially sour taste.

Lorna is a sweet, naive virgin, and it doesn't help make her death any more palatable that she's played by the impossibly sweet Heather Matarazzo, who endeared so many with her terrific performance as young Dawn Wiener in 1995's Welcome to the Dollhouse.

Lorna gets invited for a romantic boat ride by a suave, handsome man, only to end up knocked unconscious. She wakes up the next morning hanging upside down in the nude, and moments later, a beautiful naked woman enters the room and starts slicing her back with a scythe.

The woman writhes around in the pooling blood while continuing to slice away, until finally putting poor Lorna out of her misery by slitting her throat, projecting her remaining blood all over the woman who is clearly turned on by this.

Matarazzo's palpably panic-stricken performance sells the terror quite brilliantly here, and of all the characters in this movie to give such a horrifying, drawn-out demise, did it have to be the nicest of the bunch?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.