10 Movie Characters Who Never Deserved To Die

1. Boba Fett (Return Of The Jedi)

boba-fett Boba Fett barely featured in the original Star Wars trilogy and yet became a fan favourite after The Empire Strikes Back, so naturally George Lucas decided that the best thing to do is to kill him off in the lamest way possible. Now Boba Fett is not exactly the nicest guy in the world, but he certainly isn't a full on bad guy, he is just some guy working for whoever pays the most credits. Now I know that in the expanded Star Wars universe, Boba Fett manages to survive the Sarlaac, but as far as the films are concerned, he is currently being slowly digested. What reason is there to kill him off though? I guess it is some form of revenge for Han after Fett captures him, but he could have just just landed in the sand instead of heading straight into the the Sarlaac, killing off a cool character is just not a good idea. Seems George doesn't learn his lesson though as the same thing happened with Darth Maul and yet Jar Jar Binks is still alive? Ridiculous.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist