10 Movie Characters Who Were Complete Idiots

1. Brick Tamland (Anchorman)

bricktamland Brick Tamland (Steve Carell) is part of the San Diego-based Channel 4 news team, along with Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) the main anchor, Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) the field reporter and Champ Kind (David Koechner) the sports newscaster in the classic comedy Anchorman. Brick is the weatherman and describes himself as follows: "I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded." The aforementioned retardation means that everything Brick says is pretty much nonsensical. His best friends and colleagues barely know what he is talking about 99% of the time and the random nature of his actions are simply hilarious. Scenes of note involving Brick include him riding a bear (which he describes as a "furry tractor"), gleefully killing a rival news team member with a trident, declaring his love for a series of inanimate objects (including "lamp" and "carpet") and taking his friends on a short-cut which gets them completely lost. So, which other movie characters are complete idiots? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.