10 Movie Characters Who Were Perfectly Cast (The Second Time)

9. Sabretooth - Liev Schreiber (X-Men: Origins - Wolverine)

Liev Schreiber Sabretooth X-Men Origins: Wolverine
20th Century Fox

The Original

Tyler Mane's mostly physical performance in the first X-Men movie wasn't awful, to be fair to him. He was clearly cast based on his wrestler looks rather than his acting performance, though, so his Sabretooth lacks any kind of depth or subtlety.

He scores points for looking great, but beyond that, there's very little to the performance, which is pretty much fine because of how little he's really asked to do.

Second Time's The Charm...

When it came to retconning Sabretooth's story and confirming that he's Logan's brother in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Fox turned to the exceptional Liev Schreiber, whose physical appearance was parred down to look more like Wolverine (apart from his fangs) and who brought FAR more to the performance.

In an absolutely terrible movie, Schreiber is great, adding dark charm and real menace to the villain. He is both convincing as Hugh Jackman's brother (which adds poignancy to his betrayal) and a great, genuinely scary villain.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.