10 Movie Characters With Crazy Backstories We Didn't Get To See

8. The Bandit (Burt Reynolds) in Smokey and the Bandit

This is where I show my age. I saw this flick in the theaters, people. I remember thinking I was watching a sequel because everyone in the movie knew about The Bandit. What he was famous for I didn't know, and after researching for a few hours am still wondering. Women want to be with him and men want to be him. Apparently he was a bootlegger and race driver, but there must have been more to have everyone within CB range know who he was and break laws to help him. Even the Pittsburgh Steelers love him enough to distract the police and destroy their car so he can escape.
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Aspiring novelist, opinionated (in secret) nerd of all things that don't matter, and loves reading lists on a variety of everything.