10 Movie Characters You Didn't Know Got Away With Breaking Laws

9. John - Shaun Of The Dead

Shaun Of The Dead Rifle
Universal Pictures

John isn’t a massive character in Simon Pegg’s brilliant Zombie comedy. He is the landlord of Shaun and Ed’s favourite local, the Winchester. It’s mentioned at the beginning of the film by Ed to Shaun over a few tear soaked drinks that according to Big Al, John is connected to the Mafia and a debate looms between Shaun and his best friend as to whether the namesake of the pub is in fact a fully functioning weapon.

It turns out that the weapon is in fact a fully functioning rifle and is used by Shaun and his friends as they try to fend off the zombie hoard inside the pub. While this may have helped their survival, it means that John has contravened section 19 of the Firearms Act 1968.

This section prohibits firearms being available in a public place. It may have helped Shaun and Liz survive the Zombie apocalypse, but it’s not a good idea to have a fully functioning rifle above a bar full of inebriated customers. Big Al may have been right after all, but dogs can look up.

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The Avengers
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Jack Knott hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.