10 Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Secretly Died In Movies

4. Sandy Olsson - Grease

sandy grease
Paramount Pictures

Grease fans the world over had their noodles well and truly baked by this mind-melting Reddit theory, which posits that protagonist Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) actually died at the start of the movie, and everything else is merely her dying soup of thoughts.

You see, the film begins with Sandy and Danny (John Travolta) meeting on the beach, and in the later song "Summer Nights," Danny sings, "I saved her life, she nearly drowned."

But what if, in fact, Sandy did drown, and the increasingly implausible fantasy that follows is simply her oxygen-deprived brain trying to make sense of it all as she dies?

Beyond the ridiculous whirlwind romance with Danny, there's the fact that the film concludes with the couple literally driving off and taking flight into the sky.

If that's not indicative of a "drowning woman's coma fantasy," as the theory puts it, then what is?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.