10 Movie Characters You Secretly Wish Your Boyfriend Was Like

7. Robbie Hart (The Wedding Singer)

In the days before Adam Sandler became unbearable, he brought to life Robbie Hart, a wedding singer with a horrible mullet, yet a heart of gold. He writes realistic love songs about sharing the remote control, is best mates with Billy Idol, and is totally dedicated to weddings. It's rare to find a man that is as addicted to getting hitched as Robbie, but at least he's got his friends 'George' and Sammy to help out, whether it's trying on dresses or learning not to kill your guests with the limo ("They were CONES!"). Robbie Hart would also be a great Special Man Friend because he's kind to old ladies, cheers up morose Jewish boys who just want to grab butts at their bar mitzvahs, and can wrangle a drunken Steve Buscemi when he tries to play the guitar whilst howling like a wolf. Sure, he can get pretty down when he's ditched at the altar, but really, 'Love Stinks' is a better heartbreak song than anything Taylor Swift has ever churned out. And if you eventually end up marrying Robbie, then a) you'll be saved from potentially having the last name 'Gulia', and b) a drunken Steve Buscemi just may sing at your wedding! Mavel Tov! Meatballs all round!
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Amy Maynard is a PhD candidate by day, and a pop culture pundit by night. She enjoys drinking red wine, and reeks of Burberry perfume and cigar smoke.