10 Movie Characters You Secretly Wish Your Boyfriend Was Like

2. Severus Snape (Harry Potter)

I'm just going to say straight up, dating a man like Severus Snape would not be a picnic. It would take some hard work. First off, you'd have to tell him that his hella prejudiced, anti-Muggle school chums are going to grow up to be hella prejudiced, anti-Muggle homicidal maniacs. Ditch 'em. There would also have to be an awkward conversation about shampoo and conditioner, and why he should use them. A lot. But once those hassles are out the way, you're left with a man that is exceedingly brave, highly intelligent, and looks damn good in a black cloak. He's not exactly Teacher of the Year material, but he shows affection for his pupils in odd ways, such as going toe-to-toe with a turbaned sociopath with an extra face when he lets a troll into the grounds. And most importantly, he is devoted. I'm talking capable of feeling love, even an unrequited love, that lasts for decades. For Lily Potter, the object of his affections, he crafted a Patronus that reflected her essence; treasured her memories; risked his life and reputation in the war against Voldemort; and last but not least, protected her son from harm, even though said son looked exactly like his old tormentor. Thanks to Alan Rickman, now whenever I hear the word 'always' used in a romantic context, I think of Snape mourning his dead soul mate Lily, instead of that treacly Whitney Houston song. That in itself is more than enough of a reason to make Snape the runner-up.
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Amy Maynard is a PhD candidate by day, and a pop culture pundit by night. She enjoys drinking red wine, and reeks of Burberry perfume and cigar smoke.