10 Movie Characters You Won't Believe Were Nearly Killed Off

10. Ripley - Alien

The Alien series is so many things; it's a massive rape metaphor, boasts some of the best sci-fi production designs ever, is genuinely terrifying and serves an example of how studio interference can completely destroy what made a franchise initially so enticing. Above all else, however, it's a landmark in the role of female characters in both the sci-fi and horror genres. Of course, any Xenomorph obsessive worth their salt knows that Ripley, the undoubted star of the series, was actually going to be a man; the character was originally going to be notable for making the shift from supporting player became the hero. But even after Sigourney Weaver was cast in what would be her defining role the direction of both her character's legacy and the series in general could have been very different. Instead of getting blown out into space and incinerated, the pesky Xenomorph was originally going to get the better of Ripley, killing her before using its voice mimicking ability (who knew) to leave that last crew member of the Nostromo sign off. It's a more downbeat ending, although we can't say it would have improved the film. Ripley would finally die at the climax of Alien 3, sacrificing herself to stop the alien falling into the wrong hands, but was swiftly resurrected five years later; even when she did die on screen it didn't stick.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.