10 Movie Characters You Won't Believe Were Nearly Killed Off

5. Ron Weasley - Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

As the Harry Potter book series worked its way towards its climax speculation was rife as to which characters would make it to the end and who'd end up six feet under. Things really stepped up in Order Of The Phoenix. Until that point the characters who'd died had been on the insignificant side, but the fifth book showed us how sadistic J.K. Rowling could be, with the caring Sirius Black killed in front of Harry by being thrown through the veil into the ether. But even as the death toll rose, the central three characters managed to survive to age unconvincingly. Although had Rowling gone with her original idea then it could have been one of them who bit the dust in OOTP (as the fans call it). After the release of the final book Rowling confessed that she considered killing Harry's best pal Ron Weasley. Stating it was "out of sheer spite", the author almost went back on her original plan to have the trio all make it the end unscathed, but realising he was Hermione's true love thought it would be too far. She's not George R.R. Martin after all. Had this decision been made then obviously the films would have had to follow suit, ending Rupert Grint's career a couple of years earlier than it did.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.