10 Movie Cliches Everybody Hates

9. The Amnesiac Hero

Captain Marvel SHIELD Cap
Marvel Studios

There's no lazier way to place a protagonist on the same level of ignorance as the audience than to straight-up make them an amnesiac.

It's a trope that's been tired for years, and yet in recent times, movies like Bumblebee and Captain Marvel have kept trotting it out like it's still interesting and creative.

The amnesiac hero hasn't really felt fresh since the early days of the Bourne franchise, and it's an easy way to make viewers suspicious that they're going to be blindsided with a "the hero isn't who you thought they were!" plot twist (which is almost always the case).

It's a trope that fundamentally gets a movie off on cynical footing, and though it doesn't always suck - the original RoboCop did it masterfully, for instance - in 2019 it feels so thoroughly played-out and overdone.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.