10 Movie Cliches That Need To Stop

3. L-Shaped Bed Sheets One of the more famous tropes of both TV and film is the infamous L-shaped bed sheets that will mean that when a man and woman are lying in bed - usually post-coitus - the bed sheet will come barely past the man's crotch, leaving his chest exposed, cut it will go to the woman's neckline, ensuring that her modesty is completely covered. One is left to conclude that they are likely an invention of film censors from the 1940s as a way to "maintain decency", and something reinforced by film studios who want to ensure their kinky sex comedies can still get a 12A rating, as well as actresses who have a "no nudity" clause in all their film contracts. It's just totally ridiculous; it's not even us nitpicking a social nicety or something, it's actually a case of filmmakers inventing a physical object that does not exist in real life. While we appreciate that not all films can be frank and realistic in their depiction of sex - and in some cases that's not what we want anyway - but when filmmakers focus so closely on the bed sheet during some shots, making it blatantly obvious what they're doing, it's just absurd.

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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.