10 Movie Cliffhangers Nobody Cared About

9. Stowaway Smith - The Matrix Reloaded

Transformers The Last Knight
Warner Bros.

If you're old enough to have seen The Matrix Reloaded in cinemas, you'll remember how feverish the excitement was, that the Wachowskis were back with a sequel to one of the greatest action films of all time.

It ultimately fell short of most fans' expectations, yet even those who staunchly defend the movie won't have much positive to say about its absolute nothingburger of a cliffhanger sequel-bait ending.

At film's end, Neo (Keanu Reeves) unexpectedly manifests abilities in the real world, which he uses to destroy a fleet of incoming machines before falling into a coma.

In the final scene, it's revealed that the rescue ship has taken aboard another survivor from the machines' attack - Bane (Ian Bliss), who earlier in the film became possessed by Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving).

And then, just before the end credits roll, a title card reads, "To be concluded."

Even though everybody knew a third Matrix film was mere months away from release when they went to watch Reloaded, they sure as hell didn't expect to be left with such a lackluster pair of reveals to tee up the trilogy-concluding entry.

As such, it's perhaps little surprise that The Matrix Revolutions grossed barely half of what Reloaded did. Ouch.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.