10 Movie Cliffhangers Nobody Cared About

2. The End? - Flash Gordon

Transformers The Last Knight

Though you've probably seen Flash Gordon, do you remember that it ends with a blatant setup for a sequel? Don't feel bad if you don't, because it's a completely forgettable non-entity of a sequel tease.

After the evil Ming the Merciless (a delicious Max von Sydow) is killed and the day is saved, we cut back to Ming's magic power ring, which is picked up by a hand wearing a black glove, all while Ming's signature laugh rings out and "The End?" appears on screen.

Again, it's perhaps the least interesting part of a thoroughly entertaining, unapologetically camp space opera, enough that many forget the cliffhanger even happens at all.

More to the point, audiences of its era clearly weren't enamoured much, given that Flash Gordon underperformed at the global box office, and only solidified itself as a cult classic in the years that followed.

And given that any prospect of a sequel had dried up long before the movie became a home video hit, the sequel tease again fell upon deaf ears.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.