10 Movie Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe Exist

8. The Dark Knight Rises Predicted 2012’s Mass Shootings

Rosemary Baby 2
Warner Bros.

Crazy conspiracy theories aside, Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises will forever be inextricably linked to the tragic events that took place at a cinema in Aurora, Colorado during a midnight screening of the movie when gunman James Holmes opened fire in the theatre, killing 12 people and injuring 70 more. But some people go so far as to suggest that the makers of the movie knew of the Aurora incident, and 2012’s other major shooting spree at the Sandy Hook Elementary School by Adam Lanza, before they actually happened.

According to conspiracy lore, Nolan and Co inserted certain clues in The Dark Knight Rises that foretold the tragic events. In the background of one scene a sign with the word ‘Aurora’ appears on top of a skyscraper and later in the film Gary Oldman’s character Commissioner Gordon points at a section of a map bearing the words ‘Sandy Hook’.

Aurora Film
Warner Bros.

The inclusion of these scenes are apparently an instance of predictive programming, a technique employed by the powers that be that involves using mass media to suggest certain situations in order to precondition the populace to accept future events. Exactly why the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings would’ve been pre-planned is open to contention, however.

Some say that the incidents were ritual blood sacrifices carried out by the occult elite and the movie was a forewarning. Others think that the tragic events were actually staged to incite fear about gun violence and encourage stricter gun control.

Either way, Christopher Nolan is involved in some way and no doubt the conspiracy theorists will be side-eyeing his movies from now on.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.