10 Movie Crazes You Forgot Were A Thing

6. Raunchy Teen Comedies

piranha 3d
Universal Pictures

In the early noughties, something quite perculiar happened. A glut of ideas involving young adults trying to get their end away whilst also coming to terms with what the future will hold for them, swept the globe.

The break-through came almost twenty years earlier with 1982's Porky's, which combines the 50's Grease-like atmosphere with enough hormones to fuel high school football team. If Porky's started it, American Pie (1999) perfected it. Managing to represent a generation that had been greatly influenced by porn and their own peers, four dorky mates seek to lose their virginities by their prom night.

It was a hit and spelled an era where sex, gross-out comedy and the losers coming good, were a winning combination for the younger demographic. The Girl Next Door (2004), Road Trip, (2000) and Eurotrip (2004) standing out post-pie.

The running theme of this list makes no exceptions here as over-saturation and culture changes began to take an effect on the popularity of the genre. American Pie donned three direct sequels and countless DVD spin-offs - clearly outlining the decline of the franchise. Teen comedies these days tend to be a lot more 'woke', with Booksmart claiming critical success in early 2019 and Good Boys recently opening to a warm reception, too.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...