10 Movie Details Hidden In Another Language

5. J.D.'s "Ich Lüge" Bullet Trick - Heathers

The 40 Year Old Virgin Steve Carell Jane Lynch
New World Pictures

Mid-way through this deliciously satirical coming-of-age black comedy, disaffected teens Veronica (Winona Ryder) and J.D. (Christian Slater) plot to pull a prank in which they shoot jocks Kurt and Ram with a tranquiliser gun in the woods and leave them in an uncompromising position with one another.

However, the unstable J.D. has other plans, and as it turns out, he lures Kurt and Ram out to the woods to shoot them dead in cold blood.

For any German speakers watching, however, this is made clear in the scene where Veronica and J.D. plan the "prank," as J.D. tells Veronica they'll be using "ich lüge" bullets, which translates to "I lie."

Furthermore before this, J.D. even asks Veronica if she speaks German, which she doesn't, to ensure she can't actually translate what he's saying and ruin his sick sense of fun. Genius, demented genius.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.