10 Movie Details You Definitely Missed The First Time

7. Borat Unknowingly Handles Israeli Firearms - Borat

Alan Partridge

Few would call Borat's humour subtle, though Sacha Baron Cohen did nevertheless manage to sneak in the occasional sly, secret gag that only the most attentive of viewers would notice.

In the infamous scene where the Jew-hating Kazakh reporter visits a gun shop in order to peruse weapons which would "defend from a Jew," the store owner hands him a Desert Eagle pistol.

The irony is that the Desert Eagle is about as Jewish as guns get - at the time of filming, it was manufactured by an Israeli company, aptly-named Israel Weapon Industries (formerly Israel Military Industries).

It's impossible to consider this a coincidence given the attention-to-detail Cohen applies to his razor-sharp satire, even if it does mean the scene is probably more staged than it at first seems.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.