10 Movie Directors Who F**king Doubled Down On Your Hate

5. Michael Bay Doesn't Care If It Makes Little Sense As Long As Teenage Boys Are Happy

Dunkirk  Nolan

Much like Roland Emmerich earlier in this collection of directors who have embraced who and what they are when it comes to the movie business, it feels as though Michael Bay has somehow crafted a genre of his very own; that being films dedicated to blowing sh*t up and asking questions later.

Far from battling with those who slam Bay for being nothing more than a dude obsessed with throwing massive robots or Rock's and Wahlberg's at each other for the bants, the director once claimed, "I make movies for teenage boys. Oh, dear, what a crime." Which tells you just about all you need to know about the moviemaker's thought process when crafting a project.

Within this aim to please the younger demographic comes a mesmerising over-reliance on visually impressive but near-incomprehensible set-pieces, with the director also typically objectifying women and falling into racial stereotypes when filling his features with humans to be blown up and thrown around by whatever chaos is at the centre of the action-packed feature in question.

You know what you sign up for with this director, and to expect anything more or less is foolish on your part.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...